Fear of Death | Feeling Dying Soon : Necrophobia : Thanatophobia?


One of the Worst feelings of fear of Death(Necrophobia)and worst thinking(Death) which strike your mind each and every second. Worst questions are coming in your mind again and again. No matter what you try to stop thinking about it but u can't stop making the thoughts go away?

  • I am going to Die soon ( In Few Hours/Days)
  • One day i Die
  • One day I won't be here
  • None of us live here, so why we are born on the earth
  • What happened after Death?
  • Where we go after Die
  • How Painful is Death
  • Scared of death
  • Afraid of getting old
  • Someone watching me
  • Not able to sleep even for half an hour
  • Feel like i am living in other World which is far far away from this World
  • Feel frightened, sad
  • Think about death constantly
  • Afraid of losing loved ones
  • Not able to eat even a single meal
If you landing on this page i know what you are searching. I want to ensure you that trust me one's. I can understand you because i have already crossed this black hole. I can't promise you that i instantly help you to recover from this situation but i promises to help you slowly and give you some relief. 

First i want to share about my situation. I know it's hard for you to read because my every single word make you frighten but i promises at last you will feel relaxed. I know when i am perusing for this situation i don't even want to read or hear single word "Death" because it make me more frighten.  Actually i want to share my situation because it's help you to identify that you are also going through this hell or not.

But if you don't want to read more about death you can directly start reading from: How to overcome from fear of death?

I still remember the Day, 20 Jan 2015. That day i was very happy because me ex-company invite me to office and they are interested to work with me again. You know i don't much happy because i am getting a job again but because if i get this job i will get something much more than A life. I don't talk about that thing here but this is something which is necessary to live my whole life. So i spend my whole day in office and owner is very polite to me and happy to see me again. It was 5 pm and i had completed my work and than leave the office. I was riding bike, it's rainy day. I was totally wet and i reached my town and called my dad phone. I ask them would you like to eat something so i can bring for you. My dad likes Chicken so i am thinking may be they are interested to eat but they replied No. Now i want to take something for home because that day i was very happy so i went to sweet shop and ask them to pack 100 Rupees Paneer Pakora.

Suddenly some thought strike in my mind about Death, One day i will die and everyone in this world will die. So why i am feeling so happy because this happiness is limited because one day i will die. At the same moment of time my heart beating fast. I don't know form where these thoughts were coming but it strike my mind dread-fully. My happiness converted into sadness, feel frightened and immediately stop enjoying myself. Somehow i take parcel and leave to home. I am trying to distract my dread-full thoughts about death but i can't. I reach home with full of sadness, frightened and with hopeless life.

My mother called me for dinner. Some how i make effort to take dinner and that day i took 2 spoon of rice and it's very hard for me to inhale meal from mouth and i leave rest of Rice. I said to mom i am not feeling hungry today(Mujhy bhook nahi hai). This is the present situation, imagined before i am thinking that today i will eat lot because today is my happiest day and i eat lot when i feel happy but now the situation is different. I leave to my room and laid on bed. Now thoughts are gear up their speed and hundreds of negative thoughts coming. A real thoughts but striking me in a negative way. That full day i enjoyed with happiness but suddenly at the end of day something strike in my mind and everything changes. 

That night is my first night of life that i don't sleep even for a 5 min because thoughts are not running like Bullet Train in my mind. The thoughts are I am going to die! May be Soon or Later but i Die. One day I won't be here, I'll be gone forever..... I feel frightened, scary.  I start thinking about my old age because after that i will die no one can stop it from happened. How painful is death? How i will die? Where i go after die? How are we supposed to live every day if we know we're going to die?What will happened and suddenly my mind start remember all death people whole i know very closely but they are dies like my two maternal uncle, My young age(age) uncle,  My grandfather and all people whom i know and special which are died at young age. Thoughts are revolving in my mind. I try to shutdown my mind but i can't. That whole night i even not close my eyes for 5 min. I want to stop thinking but i can't................ Thoughts are coming with very strong feeling that i will happen soon that i will die, may be it's next day, Some how i feel that i haven't live my enough live till.... A Horror night which passes.

Now its new morning and my mind take rest only for one hour and something again strike in my mind and wake up. I am trying to stop thinking but i can't now it's a new world for me. I find myself alone in other world. I don't know what to do, I even not able to tell my parents that whats going with me. It's very hard to pass even a single second. Now this is time that I lost every hope to live. A Hundreds of question arise in mind but no one is their to answer them.

Now i start counting minute by minute, Time running slowly in thoughts but running very fast toward my death. Time goes slowly and living like i am already dead. I try very hard to pass few days but i can't pass more day like this because the day pass i become more weak day by day. Before i am very strong/brave man and now every day just make me scary only. Every time i think i died next morning, i die after breakfast, i die after lunch or after dinner.

I see only dead people, dead bodies. The one body or you can say my blood, which is very closed to me and i buried him few month ago, a premature boy baby. I buried him with my own hand. I never forget him and the day. His dead before come to this world. He is very nice, soft and made of blood and soul. The first day i saw and realized god power. Me and my mom tears are moving like a water tap is fully opened. Its was rainy day but tears can be seen in our eyes because we lost him. A baby i will never forget. I don't want to display Pics of Premature baby but i can show you. Just Click on this Link. Sometime he come in front of my eyes.

Nights are going sleepless because death thoughts are revolving in mind and even i try to close my eyes but i can't sleep and i feel like someone watching me, Some one come from main door and shoot me. Fear running through my veins. My behavior is now totally changed, no eat, no sleep, no talking to anyone, feel fear o death 24*7.

I can able to explain anything to loving one. I not try to explain it to my parents and my only friend because i am already horrified and fell more scary while explaining these things and that time i thought if i explain it to my loving one they too become like me. This is one of worst moment of life, a real hell and i don't even want in my dream that my loving one ever pass through this situation. Because i don't want these thoughts strikes on their minds too. I can't able to explain it to strange people because people make a joke of it. 

As i said now i am not bale to sleep at night so everyday i call my mother to give me a head massage and my mom give a head massage which is the very comfortable zone for me that time.  I never ask my mom in my whole life to massage my head but she know something goes wrong, My whole body shivering every time. After massage i sleep for while and after few moment i wake up and i check the time that it's only 1 hour passes till. I feel scary, Horrified and call my mom with loud from my room.. mom... mom are you their. She replied yes and she come from her room. She ask what happened i replied i can't sleep(Mujhe need ni aa rahe). My head is paining and then she come with a massage oil. I keep my head in my mom laps and then she start massage to my head.

The Safest Place in the World is Mother Laps

She understand everything always sleep beside me. I can't sleep all night. Whole night i passed just by changing sleeping position. Left, Right, Up, Down. She know something going wrong. She asked me lot to explain me that what's going on but i can't. You know guys, my age is 25. Every night i start call my mother because not to sleep because thoughts never goes from my mind but when i sleep beside my mom i feel like 2 year baby which feel comfortable only in mom laps, He/She know her mom save him/her no matter how hard/difficult the situation is! Now my father to worried about me. He always ask to my mom that anything i explained?(Kyas usne kuch bataya)

I hear those word sometime from my father mouth while he asking to my mom. I always think what should i explain to that i am horrified by death, I fell like i am dying, Someone watching me, Someone shoot will me, I am watching dead people all day, I am landing to other world, The world which is not excited, I am scaring being old. Actually the time is very hard for me i am moving through dark world of my life. Where no life exist, No aim of life. I don't tell anything with a fear of that if after hear my problem they too become like me then what happened? I don't put them into this position.

Fear of Death Worse Than Death

I spend my whole time in home with thousands of negative thoughts and one day i suddenly saw my grandmother. She live in village and come after a long time to just see me. She believe in superstition. she loved me and ask me what happened? Still i can't explain things. She start cursing to witches because she think some witch do something wrong with me. I spend every day to wait for the day  when i these bad/negative thoughts go away? but they still running like hell in my mind.

Very hard two months pass with sleepless nights and fearful days. Now i know i die soon or later but i ask one more question to my mind. Kamesh what you want to do before die. My heart reply i want to spend time with loving one. Now i want to spend good time with my parents and friend because this is the only last wish before my death. I ring my friends to meet me. The only think after that i die with calm. I meet my friends and i try to explain it but i can't so i just tell that something goes wrong with me and i need you. Some how i stop my tears, it's 23 march 2015.

In those day i realized that why person want to meet loving one before they die. The person is anyone with whom he/she is angry from decade or the one who live with him/her. That time dying person forget all their complaints and grouses. Some time person behavior keep away the person whom they love but they never want that his/her loving person go far away from him/her. Before die we meet to our loving person who are very special place and close to our heart and live in depth of our heart.  I realized these things after an years after passing through this situation

The moment is like that i am stand at very high mountain and slipped form their and Soon die. My mom realizing that now i can't control my self. Everything is changed now so my mom took me with her and we visit a Temple(Kali Mata). Mom believes in Temple(Kali Mata) that she surly help me. While visit to Temple i meet and see lot people and my mind me only ask one thing to me. Why they all people are very happy? Everyone has smiling face expected me and few people who are suffering from something. Mind talk with me one day they will all die then why they have no fear. I can see clear hope in their eyes. I too want to be ok. I too want to smile, hope, aim.   They have no fear of death, they are unknown to death. I to want unknown to death. I am dying and losing control. Its April 2015. I go daily to temple and i feel relaxed their and get some positive energy. The energy is only for 5 minutes but it has worth. Now full day i wait for only for those 5 minutes.

That time i want to spend max time with my loving one. I start feeling terribly afraid of losing loved ones(Thanatophobia). Thanatophobia: I just want that my loving one talk to me, stay in front of me. Don't know but a strong feeling that i will loose them. I don't want to leave them alone. I start another fear that after die how my loving one live without me,  Now i want to spend my all time with my loving one because i feel like i have very less time. I don't want to loose them. The situation is Perplexed.  I am confused, horrified, some time want to live, sometime feel like dying, sometime feeling that i am loosing something. The situation is like you are living but don't know the meaning of anything. Situation is very hard no eat, no sleep, scary, horrified, Unsure, Death everywhere, my head has been so packed with anxious thoughts that I’ve not paid enough attention to what’s going on around me, and I’ve narrowly missed being hit by a car or a bus.

Those months are very hard. My nature is reserved i share my feelings to no one. Even not with my parents. I had a friend with whom i share my all feelings but those days he left me because sometime we can't share everything to parents. I have/had only one. It's being long time that i expressed my feeling to anyone. It's have been now more then 2 years but know i am dealing with others problem which i don't want to share.

It's take me around 1 year to recover from Fear of Death. After that i find terms uses for Fear of Death:NecroPhobia and Fear of Losing Loving One: Thanatophobia.  I don't want that you too take one years because one years changes your life for forever.

Note: Every one in this world say i don't fear of death, I don't fear of dying, Someday we have to die so why we fear it. They all lied: No one want to waste such beautiful life, They want to spend it more. Only few persons don't have fear of death in this world which i observed till.

  • Who spend all day like this is their last day. No expectation from anyone.
  • Who are living with pain which never ends until they die.
  • Who spend life by thinking that death never happened. Death is unreal

Their is lot of difference between death and fear of death. 

Death is peaceful thing but fear of death is more painful anything in this world. You are not dead but mentally you are dead. You are alive but mentally you are not living.

Mind is the only thing in this life which help you to live happily but if its leave your hand then this life is nothing more then hell. Everyone leave you and you are known by Metal. You can't control your self if your mind is not on correct track and you become more crazy because your loving one start leaving you one by one. People don't love and stay with crazy people. They have only sympathy with you but can't able to spend even a second with you. 

I am talking about mind because fear of death lives in mind which totally distract you no matter how good and mentally strong person you are. We are human sometime error happens and we are not computer where error can be correct by replacing part. We take time to get on track but only on one condition that is love. Love is very strong think in this world. Which make you and destroy you.

I want to give an example of fear of death and death

Suppose few people hostages by terrorist and terrorist placed every people in line. That time not even single people have fear because people don't believe in death. Suddenly a terrorist shot a hostages and dead hostages lying on floor. Now the dead hostage we called death because suddenly bullet shot in his head and he is senseless and died. After shot on person, everyone in the room is quite and scary now because now they know that what is death!. Everyone start remembering his/her loving one, everyone start sweating. You know one of those hostages is know half dead without shoot and the person is one who is next to dead hostages. He/She that this is the last moment of his/her life. Now that hostages is half sensed and the situation is known as "Fear of Death". Because he knows he is the next one and start pretending that he will be dead in some moment.

Now please take this as example: if this Fear of Death filled in someone mind then you can imagined person situation. He/She died from inside. He died daily.

If someone ask you to read this article then i am dam sure the person loves you so much, He/she trust you much and the person in big trouble. He/She is alone.

He/She need your help. Your love, You time, Your Hugs, Your Kisses and Postitivity which can only give you. He/She will recover fast 100% . You are the only hope. May be he/she want to explain but not able. I to beg you i don't know what kind of place you have in your heart for that person but please stay with his/her until he/she recover fully.  

I beg you to help him/her because i have to expected this help from someone but that person is not with me and not even trust and even meet me a single time after hundreds of request. Which take me to recover more then one year instead of 2 or 3 months and after 1 year my life is totally changed. 

Follow my guide line below to help him/her to recover

How to overcome from fear of death?

1. Share your feeling to one whom you trust and whom you feel to explain clearly

Please try to explain and share your feelings to someone whom you trust because if you share this kind of problem to someone who is not close to you then he/she can make joke of it, which only creates problem. Take him/her to a place where you can explain it fully and clearly without any kind of interruption of anyone. It's very necessary to explain it at-least one person, who may be your Mother, Dad, Sibling, Husband, Wife, Friend, Girlfriend, Boyfriend

Loving One(Mother, Sibling, Husband, Wife): Hear carefully, Sit very close to him/her and hold their hand because he/she must feel like that he explain it to someone whom he/she trust and very kind to him/her because you are the only last person whom he/she is explaining. First listing Carefully and then keep her/him calm. Hug him/her and say i am with you no matter someone is with you or not. Assure him/her that you care for him/her. Now rest you know what to do. You are her/his positivity, so stay with him/her and always charge him/her positive thoughts.

2. Stop watching TV Serial/Movies for sometime until you recover

Don't watch TV Serial/ Movies because in every serial and movie their is something related to death which is not good for you. Instead it will increase your troubles only. In Movies murder/death is like a game and Movies/Serial is full of scary and lot of emotions are present there. Which are not good for you. 

Don't want news Channel, Don't read news paper

Loving One: Stay away him/her from watching TV/Movies because we all know that what kind of Movies and TV serial are playing these days. 

3. Never Stay Alone In Room

If you live alone then you think more about death because one thought brings 100 thoughts and 100 thoughts brings thousand thoughts. You only go toward deep negative thoughts instead of recovering. Company your mom, dad, sibling, friends. If you want to live one's again a happy live then please do it. 

Loving one: Be careful the person never be alone. Keep Company him/her 24*7. Stay with him/her, Sleep, Eat, Play. Always give him/her positive thoughts. If he/she force you keep alone for some time then you can do it for 10 to 15 min. only and then catch him/her again. Start giving him/her hope for future about Good health, Career, Love etc which you thing he/she talk to you in past. 

4. Stay away from Negative people may be he/she is your loving one or very close to you.

Please stay away from negative people, may be he/she is you very close one because if he/she is not with you in your difficult time then they can't be known as a close person. I don't say hate them but for now stay away from them. If anyone who give you any kind of tension or depression then please talk him/her and ask to give sometime. Because this extra tension/depression make will give you trouble, which can take your whole life. You can solve your external matter later and if it's internal matter then explain them about your problem. If they treat you gwell then you can talk. 

Loving one: Please keep away him/her from negative people because negativity make him/her weak only. Only allow positive people near him/her who care for him/her. Your main role is  to recover him/her because he/she chose you and it's mean you are his/her first preference. It doesn't mean that you keep away everyone from him/her. Just only negative people.

5. You can hear good music and if you want to watch then watch something which make you feal good.

You can listen good songs you like.You can watch movies which you have seen already that this is good movie and i have to watch it. 

Must watch inspirational short clips. I don't mean that you start searching videos on YouTube or google. Just ask to your friend to download it and provide you. Only Short Clips which make you inspire and build a hope one's again. To recover from this sin you have to make you life hopeful because after that you can come again to normal life. Set a target and do anything to achieve it. 

Loving on: If you have some good stuff then refer him/her. If you don't have then you can google it and provide him/her source. Don't refer him/her to watch YouTube, Just download file and then give him/her.

6. I believe in god so i prey daily or you can start meditation.

Prey daily for at-least 10 min. Which make you healthy, Positive, Strong. Must visit one's a week Temple, Gurdwara, Church, Mosques. I Promise god will help you and give you peace from the situation you are going through. You will recover very soon. I daily read Hanuman Chalisaa. If you want to read then here is the link

Mediation is also very good for you. It gives you pace and recover you soon from it.

Loving One: You can take him/her with you to visit Temple, Gurdwara, Church, Mosques ones a week.

One thing i want to share with you. One question is striking again and again in our mind that how painful is our death. According to me their is no pain while we die. Tell me one thing that do you feel pain while birth? Ans is no. In the same way we don't feel pain. It is peaceful thing of life. Accept it with your open heart.

Fear Does not stop Death, Its Stops Life

Be patience i promise you will be all right soon.

I write this article to share that you are not alone. Someone already passes from this situation and i am one of them. I share this with you to tell you dear don't lose hope. I know the situation is like sin. But trust me it will teach you lesson like it teach me. I promise after that you will become strong 100%. You know the value of life.

You now it's 1 year completed but sometime i still feel like its comes again after short period but now i know what to do. May be this Phobia remain in me util my last breath. I just have to live with this and it helps me to keep remind the value of life, love, family.

Keep moving no matter step by step and then you find a ray of Hope! . Hope is the Only way to Live this Life.

If you are not able to share this kind of feeling to anyone then please share this article to whom you want to share and rest leave on them. Now its their decision if she/she love you will definitely give quick response . I make this post for those also whom you want to share this kind of feelings. I want too share with someone one but can't because it's very tough for me that time. I do it easy for you. Just share ones it to your loving one please.

I promise to whom you share this post will definitely understand your condition. if he/she not understand then please don't worry. I am here to help you. Share your thoughts felling me in the comment section. If a time comes that your feel like your breaking moment is coming then please contact me. 

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  1. I am 35 and have had a death fear since I was 14. It comes and goes. I look it up all the time on the internet. Is there an afterlife and you turn to ash. Always asking decased family members to contact me someway but there is nothing. When asking family members they don’t know but hope there is. You are here now but how long is now. Mum is my support but it’s getting her down and I want her to be happy she has gone through enough bad stuff. My fear has gotten the best of me and am considering Cyronics but then of course you still die which defeats the object but is better than no hope all. It also scares me of my mum dying I can somewhat cope when she is around mum says she is not going anywhere and if I dont snap out of it no Orlando and if you know anything about me I love Disney and wrestling.I can’t help the way I feel it keeps me going something good to look forward to I sleep okay now because I feel safe but that may change. Does not help when people say each birthday is one year nearer to death. This is no way I want to live or impact my family members or the legacy to my nieces. Now I know that I am not alone. Thank your for letting me get all my feelings out

  2. I am 25 years of age and cant stop thinking about dieing this is in my head alot tried to talk to friends about it but they just shurgged of my questions, what scares me the most is not kowing anything about what happens when you, and dont want my life to end, is there anything that i can do to take my mind of it, I had have no near death experience and really wish i could go on with life without think of death

  3. I think about death all the time. Sometimes it will just hit me out of nowhere, like when I'm driving or watching a movie. I think "holy shit, I'm gonna be dying one day." To be accurate, dying and not death is really the problem for me. I have no idea what death is so it doesn't concern me. But dying freaks me out because I worry it will be painful or happen to early and that I won't be ready. Can you imagine, being really sick and knowing you aren't getting better. Just worse and worse and in the end you're gonna be so sick that your body and mind will just give out completely. Oh how horrible.

  4. I am so relieved and glad to have found this site. I have lived the past four years thinking i was the only one who felt this way, and here i have found that that's not the case at all. when i was 14 my sister was in a very serious car accident that she barely survived. she was paralyzed. i spent an entire summer in the hospital, and then i had to pick up and move right after that bc my dad got transferred. i remember being at my best friends house, having our last sleepover before i left. we were jumping up and down on the couches, and i thought 'wow this is like exactly what im supposed to be doing right now, having all this fun. and then like running into a brick wall, i had the thought 'but then I'm going to die someday' i spent my entire summer obsessed with it. i couldn't enjoy anything. i was miserable. when i went back to school i somehow just got busy and completely forgot about it, but its come back. Its not as bad as before. I love my life and enjoy everything. Its just something that is always in the back of my mind with everything that i do. i'm going to college next year and all i can think is what does it matter if i become a lawyer when this will all be over eventually? i turn to God and i pray to him, and that makes me feel a little better. i believe in Heaven, and that i will see my loved ones there. its the only thing that makes me feel okay. i want to have kids, but i think the same thing. whats the point? the second i have them, they will start dying. it may take 80 years to get there, but they will die. this blog has been a huge discovery for me though. its such a comfort to know that I'm not the only one who feels this way, and neither are you.

  5. I recently just turned 17 and every summer when I’m not busying myself with school work, this fear of death comes over me and it takes over my life to the point where I don’t want to eat and I feel like I can’t do anything about it. I know I’m young but I also feel like life is gonna speed by and next thing you know I’ll be dead and I won’t ever come back. See it’s not a fear I have that’s of dying, it’s what is going to happen after – is there a heaven or am I going to be dead for infinity and that’s the thing that scares me the most.

  6. I have a 23 year old son who up until 2 months ago didn't have a care in the world. Then all of a sudden bam he is having panic attacks and constantly worrying about death. He is worried i will die his father will one day die and he cant cope with knowing if there is an afterlife or that if your gone never to be seen again.. i just don't know what to tell him.


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